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The location for the camp is at the Brookline High School Main Gym facility located at 66 Tappan Street. The gym is located on the second floor.

All children must be checked in and out every day. Checking in requires that you let the camp director know that your child has arrived each morning and the name/s of the possible person/s who will pick your child up that day, and checking out requires that the pick up person informs the camp director who they are and which child/children they are taking home: we do this so that we know exactly who every child has gone home with each day. If the possible person/s who is due to pick up your child changes throughout the day we require that you contact us (tel. 508-358-5066) and let us know the name of the new pick up person/s. 

Please note that we will not allow children to go home with friends or anyone other than the person/s named on that mornings check in sheet unless you contact us and give your permission at some point during the day. If you wish your child to come to and/or leave camp alone we must have written permission. 

Your child will then be responsible for reporting to the camp director at arrival and departure time to check in and out. Please note that parents have the right to review our discipline policies as well as background reviews of our staff, health care policies and grievance procedures.

We would like to remind each child to bring the following:

  • The waiver, up to date physical and immunization record (these can me mailed, emailed, or faxed)
  • A light snack, plenty of drinks and a packed lunch. Any food sent to camp must be in a suitable lunch 
box/cooler to keep the food fresh until snack (10.30am) and lunch (12.30pm)
  • Sneakers
  • Shin guards
  • Suitable clothing (sweatpants/shorts and t-shirt/sweatshirt). 

Asthma, food allergies, and medication:
 If your child needs to take medication while at camp you must let us know as soon as possible so that we may inform you of the laws pertaining to this and send you forms that must be completed before camp begins. Forms can be downloaded from our website under the FORMS tab or by visiting this link:

If your child is mildly ill while at camp the camp health supervisor will help your child, consult with the camp health care consultant and attempt to contact parents/guardians.In the event of a medical emergency every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians/emergency contacts. In the event that no one can be contacted we will go ahead and contact our health care consultant and secure proper treatment. 

We may have to cancel camp for heavy snow storms. Please check the Town of Brookline’s website ( You may also call the Viking Sports Camp line at 508. 358. 5066.

Have a great day!



Viking Sports Camp
258 Harvard St, #365
Brookline, MA 02446

(p) 508-358-5066
(f) 617-608-1109