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As parent/legal guardian of the child/children named herein, I hereby represent that the child/children has been examined by a pediatrician and is physically fit to participate in the Viking Sports Camps. I understand there are inherent risks in participating in this athletic program. I hereby accept responsibility for and agree to pay any and all costs of medical treatment resulting from any injury suffered by my child/children as a result of his/her participation at the Viking Sports Camps. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Viking Soccer Camp, Inc., its agents, servants, employees and/or representatives from any and all liability, damage, cost or expense arising out of my child’s participation, of every kind and nature, at Viking Sports Camps. Consent is given for using photos/audio/video of the camper by The Viking Soccer Camp, Inc. for promotional purposes, including use by professional camping associations

            In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for care to be administered by a qualified The Viking Soccer Camp, Inc. staff member, emergency medical technician, physician/staff of a hospital, or any other qualified individual to provide any medical treatment deemed necessary for my child/children.